Father hugging son from back


Student girl writing with a green pen and smiling
Boy Highly Laughing
Teenager girl leaning on the blue closet and smiling

Using the logic model as a bridge from the Planning to the Implementing and Evaluating stages provides a smooth transition and a useful way to understand the how and why your approach will likely produce the intended outcomes. So once you have worked through your logic model and identified your implementation and evaluation plans you are ready to begin the actual implementation of the UWSF framework to your community work. The rest of this toolkit is devoted to helping you implement UWSF. As you do so, you will also be carrying out ongoing evaluation activities.

  1. Follow Your Implementation Plan. During the planning stage, with the help of your logic model, you created an implementation plan from the list of ways to implement UWSF. It's time to put the changes you've been planning into effect. Refer to the detailed sections on each way to implement UWSF for steps in the process, keys to success, and resources and sample documents.

    Keys to Success

    • Focusing your efforts, you can maintain momentum for the UWSF initiative and prevent your work from becoming too dispersed.
    • Keep the lines of communication open and let people know you are available to answer questions regarding UWSF. Don't forget the importance of marketing and public awareness.
  1. Ongoing Evaluation. As we have discussed, the evaluation process will be ongoing as you are implementing your UWSF framework. Please see the Planning section and the Evaluating section for more detailed information.
  1. Ongoing Training and Support. UWSF work continues in the approaches you implement, and allows you to continually to expand your audience into a growing network of people committed to the principles of Strengthening Families.

    Keys to Success

    • Build and maintain your relationships within your United Way and in your community. Meet regularly and provide timely updates on progress and successes (i.e., via e-mail). Remember, achieving buy-in is an ongoing process.
    • Help participants celebrate success, build on the energy created during the training, establish learning networks, establishing collaborative projects, restructuring their allocation process), or keep in touch in other ways.
    • Your goal here is to continue to provide one-on-one technical support to your participants.
Teenager girl is thinking and looking into the distance